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Novedades :: Novedades SatLex

Novedades SatLex 2005 Feed RSS 2.0
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29.06.2005 From today on SatLex is also available in Portuguese! pt
27.06.2005 24 new pictures from Italy in the international gallery!
26.06.2005 7 new pictures from Thailand in the international gallery!
Additionally there are 3 new pictures of a gregory MasterFocus antenna with a diameter of 120 cm and 10 pictures from Lithuania.
24.06.2005 SatLex has been extended by a new navigation level. Thus, the satellite related news could be grouped by country.
New feeds: DIGITALT.TV (DK) and Digitale kabeltelevisie nieuws (NL)
The sitemap is being built only using CSS and it shows 4 navigation levels!
21.06.2005 The entire SatLex output complies now with the "CSS 2.0" standard.
19.06.2005 New sorting by name of the FTA channels from Romania.
600,000 visitors after 915 days!!!
18.06.2005 The entire SatLex output complies now with the "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" standard.
15.06.2005 New in satellite news area: Postings from a satellite board in Romanian. (RSS Feed)
05.06.2005 From today on SatLex is also available in Polish! pl
3 new pictures of a FiboStop antenna and 2 new PFA pictures from Joe Kerber (Brazil)!
07.05.2005 8 new configurations for 8 participants with 3 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 4 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 5 LNB (1st option), 8 participants with 5 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 6 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 7 LNB (1st option), 8 participants with 7 LNB (2nd option) and 8 participants with 8 LNB (2nd option).
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